Ex Uno Plures Original art on Canvas

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Out of one, many. To say “we are one” is a philosophy rooted in idealism amidst this current cultural climate. I believe we have a distinct evolutionary origin and all came from the same stardust, sure. But we have split from one into a symphony of unique cogs, and our diversity is something to be celebrated. Each piece of the puzzle has its place, no lesser or greater than the last and without celebrating each piece, the puzzle will remain incomplete. We have a lot of work to do until we can truly stand together. The “e pluribus unum” (out of many one) that is inscribed on all of our currency and deeply rooted in American politics cannot hold true and until we honor each branch of the “many”. So I bring you “Ex Uno Plures” a celebration of the beauty of individuality in light of our common origins. Each feline is unique, derived from a common ancestor, yet divergent into beautifully distinct populations. These marks should be revered, for each distinction bring a complexity to our oneness.

Original Painting 12"x36" Acrylic on Canvas 2020